
by LeadyUp



LeadyUp is revolutionizing wealth management by connecting wealth management advisors (PMAs) with their clients and partners. Whether you are a savvy investor or new to the world of wealth management, LeadyUp is the perfect tool to manage your wealth efficiently and securely.Connect easily with your CGPo Simple Matching: Use a unique QR code to quickly connect with your advisor.o Complete Visibility: Aggregate your bank accounts, credits, and real estate in one place thanks to our partnership with Powerens.o Confidentiality Assured: Choose the information you want to share with your advisor.Easier Document Management and Sharingo Secure Exchange: Securely share the documents necessary for managing your assets.o Direct Communication: Contact your advisor easily via the application.Security and Confidentiality of your Datao Data Protection: Your personal and financial data are secure on European servers.o Account aggregation is carried out through an ACPR accredited partner for the storage of your confidential information.Start your journey to smarter, more secure wealth management with LeadyUp.